Edelweiss Maintenance Commission is a Homeowner’s Association responsible for the maintenance of the development’s infrastructure. The job of the Commission is to keep the roads, and water system of Edelweiss functioning as efficiently as possible. EMC also maintains the common areas, (meadows, open space, pool, and campground area) to provide aesthetics and recreational use for Edelweiss members and their guests.
Utilities (electric, propane, and phone) are NOT within the realm of Edelweiss responsibility. Okanogan County Electrical/Energy Co-op (509.996.2228), and Centurytel (800.201.4099) manage those areas. Though some lots are connected to the community sewer system, and though Edelweiss collects the hook-up fees for the connection, the system is owned and managed by the Okanogan Department of Public Works (509.422.7300).
For a more complete, specific outline of the Association’s powers, please refer to section 1.9 of the Bylaws, which you can find on our website.